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ActiveEye Capabilities by User Role

The following table shows ActiveEye capabilities and the role(s) required to access them. Roles can be assigned when creating or editing a user.


All users have the capabilities designated in the User column. A user who has been assigned additional roles will still have these standard capabilities.

UserAdminSecurity AdminAlerts Workflow
ALERTS (View)✔️
ALERTS (Add source or destination IPs to threat list)✔️
ALERTS (Comment on, open case, apply pending status, assign, investigate, suppress, response actions, and close alerts)✔️
INVESTIGATE (View, add, edit)✔️
INVESTIGATE (Pin investigations. Pinned investigations appear on the Dashboard.)✔️
REPORT TEMPLATES (View, add, edit, delete)✔️
REPORT MODULES (View, edit, delete)✔️
REPORT STATUS (View, download reports)✔️
GENERATED REPORTS (View, download reports)✔️
GENERATED REPORTS (Schedule reports)✔️
POLICIES (Enable, disable, set actions)✔️
TASK LIST (View, add, edit, delete)✔️
CUSTOMER NOTEBOOK (View, add, edit, delete)✔️
CONTACTS (View, add, edit, delete)✔️
FILE THREATS (View, download, enable or disable File Threat Status)✔️
SITES (View, add, edit, delete)✔️
CASES (View)✔️
DAILY EMAIL SUMMARY (View, add, edit, delete)✔️
SERVICE CONNECTORS (View, add connectors, connector catalog, connector metrics, connector credentials)✔️
POLICY ACTION RULES (View, add, edit, enable, disable, delete)✔️
RESOURCE GROUPS (View, add, edit, delete)✔️
REPORT DELIVERY (Add recipients, edit recipients and delivery schedule, edit time zone)✔️
COMMUNICATIONS (List, view details)✔️
USER LOG (View)✔️
USERS (List, view details)✔️
USERS (List, view details, add, update, enable, disable) [Requires both the Admin and Security Admin roles]✔️