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Local User Authentication Password Policies

Local user authentication is the default method used to log in to ActiveEye. In this method, you log in using a username and password unique to ActiveEye.


Optionally, SSO can be set up for your company, which simplifies login for users. See the SSO in ActiveEye topic for more information.

When a new user is added to ActiveEye, or when the Resetting multi-factor authentication (MFA) for a user or Resending a welcome email action is performed on an existing user account, welcome emails containing a temporary password are sent to the user. The temporary password expires 24 hours after the email is sent.


If the user’s temporary password expires before they log in, an ActiveEye user who is assigned both the Admin and Security Admin roles can resend the welcome emails by following the Resending a welcome email procedure in the User Management topic.

After you log in with your temporary password, ActiveEye will ask you to create a password. This password has the following requirements:

  • Minimum of 15 characters
  • Contains at least 1 number
  • Contains at least 1 special character
  • Contains at least 1 uppercase letter
  • Contains at least 1 lowercase letter