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Role requirements

To view user information and the log of user actions, you must be assigned the Admin role.

To perform the following actions, you must be assigned both the Admin and Security Admin roles.

  • Add users
  • Edit users
  • Disable or enable users
  • Reset multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Resend welcome email
For more information on ActiveEye capabilities and the role(s) required to access them, see the ActiveEye Capabilities by User Role topic.

Actions available to users with the Admin role

Viewing user information

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click Users.
    The Users page appears.
    The Users page

  2. Use the available filters to sort the list of users, or search for a specific user.
  3. In the list, select the row for a user to access the View User page, on which you can see details about the user account.

Viewing the log of user actions

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click User Log.
    The User Log page appears. Actions completed by users appear in the list, which can be sorted using the filters or searched.
    The User Log page
  2. note

    You can also access logged actions for a particular user by accessing their View User page and selecting View audit logs at the bottom of the page.

Actions available to users with both the Admin and Security Admin roles

Adding a new user

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click Users.
    The Users page appears.
    The Users page for Security Admin

  2. Click the Add User button.
    The Add User page appears.
  3. Enter appropriate values in the Email, First Name, Last Name, and Country boxes.
  4. note

    After entering an email address, you can validate that it is legitimate by selecting the Validate Email button. The results of the validation will appear on the page.

  5. In the User Permissions subsection, select the checkbox for each role that should be assigned to the user.
  6. If the user should be enabled for single sign-on (SSO), ensure that the Enable SSO Login checkbox is selected. If the user should not be enabled for SSO, ensure that the checkbox is cleared.

    WARNING: Once SSO has been enabled for a user, it cannot be disabled.
  7. note

    To enable SSO for a user, the customer associated with that user must be enabled for SSO. If the associated customer is not enabled for SSO, the Enable SSO Login checkbox will be unselectable.

  8. Select Submit.
    The new user is added. An email welcoming the new user to ActiveEye will be sent, as well as a separate email containing a temporary password. The temporary password expires 24 hours after the email is sent. If the user’s temporary password expires before they log in, you can resend the welcome emails by following the Resending a welcome email procedure in this document.

Editing a user

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click Users.
    The Users page appears.
    The Users page for Security Admin

  2. Use the available filters to sort the list of users, or search for a specific user.
  3. In the list, select the row for a user to access the Edit User page.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. As needed, modify the values in the fields and the role assignments in the User Permissions section.
  5. If the user should be enabled for single sign-on (SSO), ensure that the Enable SSO Login checkbox is selected. If the user should not be enabled for SSO, ensure that the checkbox is cleared.
  6. warning

    Once SSO has been enabled for a user, it cannot be disabled.


    To enable SSO for a user, the customer associated with that user must be enabled for SSO. If the associated customer is not enabled for SSO, the Enable SSO Login checkbox will be unselectable.

  7. Click Submit.
    Your changes are saved.

Enabling or disbling a user

You can disable a user account to prevent them from logging in to ActiveEye. A user account may also be automatically disabled if sufficient time has passed since their last login, or if the user does not log in for a sufficient period after account creation.

You can enable a disabled user account. After a user account is reenabled, the user must log in by midnight UTC or the account will be disabled again.

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click Users.
    The Users page appears.
    The Users page for Security Admin

  2. Use the available filters to sort the list of users, or search for a specific user.
  3. In the list, select the row for a user to access the Edit User page.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. Click the USER ACTIONS button, and then complete one of the following actions:

    To disable the user, click Disable user.
    To enable the user, click Enable user.
  5. note

    After a user account is reenabled, the user must log in by midnight UTC or the account will be disabled again.

Resetting multi-factor authentication (MFA) for a user

If there is an issue with a user’s MFA, it can be reset from the Edit User page.

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click Users.
    The Users page appears.
    The Users page for Security Admin

  2. Use the available filters to sort the list of users, or search for a specific user.
  3. In the list, select the row for a user to access the Edit User page.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. Click the USER ACTIONS button, and then click Reset MFA Enrollment.
    The selected user is logged out of ActiveEye, and a system-generated email with a temporary password and link to login is sent to them. The user will then log in with the temporary password, set a new password, and set up new MFA. When they have done so, they will be logged in to ActiveEye.

Resending a welcome email

If a user’s welcome email (initial emails about account creation, which contain login information) needs to be resent, follow this procedure to do so.

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click Users.
    The Users page appears.
    The Users page for Security Admin

  2. Use the available filters to sort the list of users, or search for a specific user.
  3. In the list, select the row for a user to access the Edit User page.
    The Edit User page appears.
  4. Click the USER ACTIONS button, and then click Resend Welcome Email.
    An email welcoming the new user to ActiveEye will be sent, as well as a separate email containing a temporary password. The temporary password expires 24 hours after the email is sent.