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Google Security Command Center (SCC)


Completing this setup requires certain Google Cloud Platform (GCP) IAM roles.

  • Security Center Admin Viewer: This role grants access to the Security Command Center dashboard.
  • Security Center Admin: This role allows the user to enable Security Command Center API notifications.
  • Organization Administrator: This role allows the user to grant appropriate roles to the notifications service account or GCP tool account.

Creating the SCC Service Connector

  1. In ActiveEye, in the left pane, click Admin, and then click Service Connectors.
    The Service Connectors page appears.
    The Service Connectors page
  2. In the upper-left corner of the page, click Add Connector.
    A list of service connectors appears.
    The list of service connectors
  3. Scroll down to the SECURITY MANAGEMENT section, and then, in the Google Cloud Security Command Center subsection, click the Add Connection button.
    The Add Connector Account page appears.
  4. In the Display Name box, enter a unique name.
  5. Optionally, modify the priority level in the Priority box. Raising or lowering the priority will increase or decrease the visibility of alerts related to this service connector.
  6. If you do not want data ingestion to begin immediately once cloud accounts have been configured, clear the Enable Account checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox selected.
  7. Click Add.
    The Google SCC service connector is created, and the page is refreshed.
  8. Copy the value in the Event Ingestion URL (Read Only) box. You will use this value in a subsequent procedure.

GCP Configuration

Enabling API

Follow these steps to enable an API for a project using the console.

  1. Click this link to access the GCP API Library.
  2. From the projects list, select the project in which you want to enable this API.
  3. In the Search for APIs & Services box, enter Security Command Center API, and then press Enter.
    Search results appear.
  4. In the search results, select Security Command Center API.
    The Product details page appears.
  5. Click Enable.

Configuring the Pub/Sub to Forward Logs

To enable log forwarding, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new topic in the Pub/Sub console by following the steps in this GCP procedure: Create a topic. As you complete the linked procedure, enter a unique name in the Topic ID box, but do not modify the other default options.

  2. Create a new push subscription in the Pub/Sub console by following the steps in this GCP procedure: Push subscription.

    As you complete the linked procedure, enter information as follows:

    • When making a selection in the Select a Cloud Pub/Sub topic list, select the topic that was created in step 1.
    • When specifying an endpoint URL, enter the Event Ingestion URL for the ActiveEye SCC service connector.

A Pub/Sub topic and subscription should be created for each service connector created. Be sure to use logical naming conventions when creating these items.

Granting Permissions for the Pub/Sub

To create a NotificationConfig that reads the Security Center findings and puts them into the Pub/Sub, permissions need to be granted to the tool performing this function.

To grant the permissions, follow the steps within Step 2: Set up gcloud CLI account permissions in this GCP procedure: Setting up a Pub/Sub topic. Ignore the steps within Step 1: Set up Pub/Sub, as you completed those operations in the last procedure.

As you complete the linked procedure, when you reach the Grant the gcloud CLI account a role that includes all of the securitycenter.notification permissions step, grant the role at the organization level. You can grant either the roles/securitycenter.notificationConfigEditor or roles/securitycenter.admin role. If you want to grant the roles/securitycenter.notificationConfigEditor role, the code you enter will look like this:

              gcloud organizations add-iam-policy-binding $ORGANIZATION_ID \
--member="user:$GCLOUD_ACCOUNT" \

Creating a NotificationConfig

The NotificationConfig includes a filter field that limits notifications to useful events. This field accepts all of the filters that are available in the Security Command Center API findings.list method.


Each organization can have a limited number of NotificationConfig files. Also, the Organization Administrator IAM role is needed to grant appropriate roles to the notifications service account or GCP tool account.

To create a NotificationConfig for all findings, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the project in which the Security Command Center API was enabled.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the toolbar, click the Activate CloudShell icon, which looks like this: >_
    The CloudShell Terminal pane appears.
  3. Set the organization name by running the following command (replace [organization ID] with your organization ID):
                  export ORGANIZATION_ID=<i>[organization ID]
  4. Set the email of the account used to run GCP tool commands by running the following command (replace [] with your email address):
                  export EMAIL=<i>[]

  5. Create the NotificationConfig by running the entirety of the following command. Before running it, replace [organization-id], [project-id], and [topic-id] with the neccessary values, and replace [notification-name] with a name of your choice that does not contain spaces.
                  # The numeric ID of the organization

    # The topic to which the notifications are published

    # The description for the NotificationConfig
    DESCRIPTION="Notifies for active findings"

    # Filters for active findings

    gcloud scc notifications create [notification-name] \
    --organization "$ORGANIZATION_ID" \
    --description "$DESCRIPTION" \
    --pubsub-topic $PUBSUB_TOPIC \
    --filter "$FILTER"

Notifications are now published to the specified Pub/Sub topic. To publish notifications, Security Command Center uses an organization-level service account in the form of with the role securitycenter.notificationServiceAgent. This organization-level service account role is required for notifications to function.