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Sophos Cloud


Before notifications can be pulled from the Sophos Cloud, a connector with the appropriate permissions will need to be created and provided for integration setup. This document describes the basic setup for notification collection. At present only the endpoint logs are handled through Sophos Central.

Create an API Token

An API Token is built from a valid Sophos Cloud user account. The vendor information can be found at the following URL although the basics are noted below:

  1. From a logged in admin user in the Sophos console in Sophos Central Admin, select Global Settings->API Token Management.
  2. To create a new token, click Add token from the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select a token name and click Save. The API Token Summary for this token is displayed.
  4. Click Copy to copy your API Access URL + Headers from the API Token Summary section into your clipboard to collect.

Provide Information

The API Access URL + Headers information should now be collected and available to complete the setup and start log collection. Provide these value to your service representative or use them for self service configuration following the "Configuring a new Service Connector for log collection" guide.